Orbs (itch) (Orbs) Mac OS

The fire orb is found in a wizard's tower and the Acid/Poison orb is found in the sewers. Winter, as the name foretells, is covered in snow and ice and is a key area in the game. It houses two orbs (Ice and Earth) and has caverns underneath, on top of which a big icy castle awaits (the property of Glass, Silver's daughter). Orbs orbs.i-show-you.de @OrbsGame Orbs is a truly unique science-fiction multiplayer online role playing game featuring an open world where players are sent to explore, control and rule futuristic and mysterious zones in order to discover their secrets.

There is a lot of controversy in the field regarding orbs. There are many people who think that strange balls of light caught on still images or video are embodiments of spirits of dead people. Although this maybe being a comfort to someone who is grieving over a recently deceased loved-one, the truth of the matter is, 99.9% of all orb pictures can be explained as dust, insects, mold spores, or pollen. PIM believes calling orbs anything else is either ignorant, misleading, or both.

For more about orbs and how they work, check out PIM’s YouTube Channel with Paranormal 101: Orbs Explained

The truth of the matter is, 99.9% of all orb pictures can be explained as dust, insects, mold spores, or pollen.

There are microscopic things floating in the air all the time, we just can’t see them. Things like dead skin cells, animal dander, and textile particles are suspended in the air. When the flash from a camera catches these particles just right, the light reflects back out of focus and creates the ball of light that we see. Below are examples of different types of orbs that were created by doing simple experiments to recreate what many people are capturing and calling orbs. Some have been borrowed from other websites as well.


Some insect orbs are very evidently insects but others are harder to pick out. These orbs are usually brighter due to the higher density of insects compared to dust. Many times they are flying and thus a moving orb is created. Insects are small and fast and easily missed, especially in the dark. Don’t be fooled.

Notice how the rain orbs look like they are moving upward. This is due to the refractive properties of water. Rain drops have most of their mass in the bottom due to gravity and as such when the light from the flash enters the rain drop it leaves via the path of least resistance, which is straight out the top. This makes it look like the orbs are moving upward.

Snow orbs are more similar to insect orbs because they appear brighter due to the greater density that most have. However, you can get very different shapes from snow depending on how much water is in each flake. You have heard that there are no two snowflakes that are exactly the same right? Well think of how many different orb shapes snow could make.


Some people will attribute the intention of a “spirit” based on the color of the orb captured. White or yellow equals nice spirits who are looking out for us and black or red orbs indicate evil or negative spirits or even demons that want to do us harm. The reality is that you can capture an orb of any shade of the rainbow that is dust. Think about it. How many different colored fabrics exist today? If you have a piece of clothing, a carpet, a drape, or bedding that color you can capture an orb the very same color with ease. The bottom line is the color of the orb doesn’t mean anything so please don’t assign meaning to something that is meaningless!

There are also things that are captured in pictures that are not orbs but look like ectoplasmic mists or vortices. These also have very common explanations.

For ectoplasmic mists, it is usually exhaled breath, cigarette smoke, or water vapor. It doesn’t have to be below or near freezing in order to be able to see your breath. If the temperature drops quickly during a hot summer day you can easily see your breath when it is 60+ degrees outside. The same phenomena can cause mist to appear above the ground that is not able to be seen until illuminated with a light.

Cigarette or cigar smoke is generally whiter in appearance, but is also commonly mistaken for ectoplasmic mist.

When it comes to vortices, or holes/portals in our reality that spirits move back and forth through, they are usually caused by a camera strap (below), hair (above), or even spider webs being caught in front of the lens of the camera.

Is there such a thing as a true orb? Yes! We are all made up of energy and we use lots of things that use energy and all these things can create orbs. Ever hear of ball lightning? Until scientists recreated it in the lab it was considered a paranormal event. Ball lightning is a great example of a natural orb. A natural orb should emit its own light and not need any external illumination to be visible.

Orbs (itch) (orbs) Mac Os Download

So if I see a ball of light with my eye did I just see a ghost? No, just because you witness that doesn’t mean it is a ghost. As stated previously we are all made out of energy and for all you know that orb came from you. Without other evidence to back up paranormal claims, what you saw was just a ball of light, but that doesn’t make it a ghost. Now if you captured an EVP at the same time saying “Hey, that glowing green ball of light is me,” then we are getting somewhere. To PIM’s knowledge though, that has not happened yet.

Topics in this section include:

COS Naming Service: anOverview

The CORBA COS (Common Object Services) Naming Service provides atree-like directory for object references much like a filesystemprovides a directory structure for files. The Naming Serviceprovided with Java IDL is an implementation of the COS Naming Servicespecification. The following overview is taken from thatdocument.

A name-to-object association is called a name binding.A name binding is always defined relative to a namingcontext. A naming context is an object that contains a set ofname bindings in which each name is unique. Different names can bebound to an object in the same or different contexts at the sametime.

To resolve a name is todetermine the object associated with the name in a given context.To bind a name is to create a namebinding in a given context. A name is always resolved relative to acontext - there are no absolute names.

Because a context is like any other object, it can also be boundto a name in a naming context. Binding contexts in other contextscreates a naming graph - a directed graph with nodes andlabeled edges where the nodes are contexts. A naming graph allowsmore complex names to reference an object. Given a context in anaming graph, a sequence of names can reference an object. Thissequence of names (called a compound name) defines a pathin the naming graph to navigate the resolution process.

The following figure shows an example of a naming graph. Asample program that illustrates how to addnames to the namespace uses this same model.

For an application to use the COS Naming Service, its ORB mustknow the port of a host running a naming service or have access toa stringified initial naming context for that naming service. Thenaming service can either be the Java IDL naming service oranother COS-compliant naming service.

Prior to running a client or a server, you will start ORBD. ORBDincludes a persistent Naming Service and a transient NamingService, both of which are an implementation of the COS NamingService.

  • The Persistent Naming Serviceprovides persistence for naming contexts. This means that thisinformation is persistent across service shutdowns and startups,and is recoverable in the event of a service failure. If ORBD isrestarted, the Persistent Naming Service will restore the namingcontext graph, so that the binding of all clients' and servers'names remains intact (persistent).
  • For backward compatibility, tnameserv, aTransient Naming Service shipped witholder versions of the JDK, is also included in this release ofJ2SE. A transient naming service retains naming contexts as long asit is running. If there is a service interruption, the namingcontext graph is lost.

Both client and server should agree on which root naming contextto use. The orb.resolve_initial_references(Stringname_of_service) method is used to obtain the rootnaming context. If you get a handle on a Naming Service byproviding 'NameService' as the name_of_service,you will get a persistent naming service, meaning that the namingcontext graph will be restored after a service failure. If you getthe handle using 'TNameService', you will get a transientnaming service, meaning that you will need to re-obtain the rootnaming context using orb.resolve_initial_references(Stringname_of_service) if there is a serviceinterruption.

For example,

The string 'NameService' is defined for all CORBA ORBs. When youpass in this string, the ORB returns a naming context object thatis an object reference for:

  • The persistent name service if you are using the Naming Servicethat is part of ORBD.
  • The transient name service if you are usingtnameserv.

To specify that you want to use the transient naming servicewith ORBD, pass in the string 'TNameService'. The string'TNameService' is a proprietary name. When you pass in this string,the ORB returns a naming context object that is an object referencefor ORBD's transient name service.

As with all CORBA object references, objRef is ageneric CORBA object. To use it as a NamingContextExtobject, you must narrow it to its proper type.

NamingContextExtHelper is an idlj-generatedhelper class, similar in function to HelloHelper. ThencRef object is now anorg.omg.CosNaming.NamingContextExt and you can use it toaccess the naming service and register the server.

NamingContextExt and NamingContextExtHelperare new to this release of J2SE. NamingContextExtis the extension of NamingContext. It contains a set ofname bindings in which each name is unique and is part of theInteroperable Naming Service. Different namescan be bound to an object in the same or different contexts at thesame time. Using NamingContextExt, you can use URL-basednames to bind and resolve. NamingContextExtHelper providesadditional helper methods like narrow() that aretype-specific but don't deal with business logic.

Interoperable Naming Service

The Interoperable Naming Service (INS) is a URL-based namingsystem on top of the CORBA Naming Service, as well as a commonbootstrap mechanism that lets applications share a common initialnaming context.

The Interoperable Naming Service (INS) provides the followingfeatures:

  • Capability to resolve using stringifiednames (e.g., a/b.c/d)
  • URLs for CORBA object references (corbaloc: and corbaname:formats)
  • Standard APIs in NamingContextExt for convertingbetween CosNames, URLs, and Strings
  • ORB arguments for bootstrapping(ORBInitRef and ORBDefaultInitRef)

An example application that demonstrates how to use the INS canbe found at Interoperable NamingService Example.

The following diagram shows how INS fits into ORBD:

An object reference contains at least three pieces ofinformation: an address, the name of the POA that created an objectreference, and an Object ID.

Using INS, you can provide a URL to access the CORBA object,which is more readable than a stringified IOR. The followingstringified object reference formats are allowed:

  • Interoperable Object References (IOR)

    An IOR is an object reference that is understood by ORBs thatcan interoperate using the OMG-defined protocols GIOP and IIOP. Aclient can obtain an object reference usingorb.object_to_string(objRef), as shown in the Browsing the Namespace example, or as aresult of an invocation on another object reference.

    Note: If an IOR contains multiple profiles, theJ2SE v.1.4 and higher ORB always uses the first one.

  • Human-Readable URL Formats for CORBA Object References
    • corbaloc:

      The corbaloc: format is useful for CORBA clientprograms, and is typically used to resolve the reference using theGIOP LocateRequest or Request message. Forexample, a corbaloc: object reference might look likethis:

      This example show how to get an object reference forTraderService from host example.com on port2050.

    • corbaname:

      The corbaname: format provides a mechanism for a clientto bootstrap directly, and is typically used to resolve thestringified name from the root naming context. For example, acorbaname: object reference might look like this:

      where example.com is the host, 2050 is theport. The portion of the reference up to the hash mark(corbaname::example.com:2050 ) is the URL that returns theroot naming context. This example provides the URL to use to: a)locate the Naming Service, and, b) resolve the namePersonal/schedule from the Naming Service.

Bootstrap Options for the ORB

INS provides ORB options for bootstrapping. To bootstrap a CORBAsystem, you must give it an object reference. The ORB can beconfigured to return the handle of a customized CORBA service fromresolve_initial_references() using eitherORBInitRef and/or ORBDefaultInitRef. Forexample,

The order of resolution when these options are used is asfollows:

  1. Objects registered withregister_initial_references
  2. -ORBInitRef
  3. -ORBDefaultInitRef
  4. Proprietary Bootstrap (Sun ORBs only)

For more information about INS, refer to the INS NamingSpecification.

Using the Naming Service

To use the Naming Service, you must first write the server andclient code that finds and/or creates the namespace and/or theobjects in the namespace. Before running the client and server, youmust start the Naming Service andtell the client and server where to find it. The following stepsloosely suggest what happens when the client and server attempt toaccess the Naming Service:

  • The server invokes the bind or rebind methodto associate a logical name with an object reference.
  • The Naming Service adds this object reference/name binding toits namespace database.
  • A client application invokes the resolve method toobtain an object reference with this name.
  • The client uses an object reference to invoke methods on thetarget object.

The following topics are covered in this section:

Sample Client: Adding Objects to the Namespace

The following sample program illustrates how to add names to thenamespace. It is a self-contained Naming Service client thatcreates the following simple tree. Naming contexts are initalics and object references are in normalfont.

In this example, plans is an object referenceand Personal is a naming context that contains twoobject references: calendar andschedule.

  1. Create the NameClient.java file and import the properlibraries:
  2. Set Port and Host properties.

    In the section, Starting theNaming Service, the name server is started on port 1050and host localhost. The following code ensures that theclient program is aware of this port number and host name.

  3. Obtain the initial naming context.

    The following code obtains the initial naming context andassigns it to ctx. The second line copiesctx into a dummy object referenceobjref that we'll attach to various names and addinto the namespace.

  4. Bind the name 'plans' to the object reference.

    This code binds the name 'plans' to our dummy object reference.The object reference, 'plans', is then added under the initialnaming context using rebind. The rebindmethod allows us to run this program over and over again withoutgetting the exceptions we'd get from using bind.

  5. Create a new naming context named 'Personal'.

    This code creates a new naming context called 'Personal'. Theresulting object reference, ctx2, is bound to thename and added under the initial naming context.

  6. Bind 'schedule' and 'calendar' to a dummy object reference. Tobind a name is to create a name binding in a givencontext. A name is always resolved relative to a context - thereare no absolute names.

    This code binds the dummy object reference using the names'schedule' and 'calendar' under the 'Personal' naming context(ctx2).

  7. Save NameClient.java, and compile the file as follows:

    Correct any syntax errors before proceeding.

  8. Run the Object Request Broker Daemon as shown in Starting the NamingService.
  9. Run NameClient, as follows:

The output in the terminal window looks like this:

We now have a namespace that to the Naming Service looks likethe above diagram.

Sample Client: Resolving Objects from the Namespace

The following sample program illustrates how to resolve namesfrom the namespace. To resolve a name is to determine theobject associated with the name in a given context. When using thepersistent Naming Service, you do not need to re-resolve if theNaming Service goes down. If you use a transient Naming Service,you do need to re-resolve in the Naming Service goes down.

In this example, plans is an object referenceand Personal is a naming context that contains twoobject references: calendar andschedule.

Orbs (itch) (orbs) Mac Os 11

  1. Create the NameClientResolve.java file and import theproper libraries:
  2. Set Port and Host properties.

    In the section, Starting theNaming Service, the name server is started on port 1050and host localhost. The following code ensures that theclient program is aware of this port number and host name.

  3. Obtain the initial naming context.

    The following code obtains the initial naming context andassigns it to nc.

  4. Resolve each namespace.

    The following code resolves each namespace.

  5. Save NameClientResolve.java, and compile the file as follows:

    Correct any syntax errors before proceeding.

  6. Make sure the Object Request Broker Daemon is running and theclient application illustrated in SampleClient: Adding Objects to the Namespace has been run.
  7. Run NameClientResolve, as follows:

There is no output to the terminal window when you run thisclient application. If you want verification that the objectreferences have been resolved, you could add code such as thefollowing for testing purposes:

Sample Client: Browsing the Namespace

The following sample program illustrates how to browse thenamespace.

  1. Create the NameClientList.java file and import theproper libraries:
  2. In the section, Starting theNaming Service, the nameserver is started on port 1050 andhost localhost. The following code ensures that the client programis aware of this port number and host name.

  3. Obtain the initial naming context.
  4. List all bindings in the naming context.

    The list method lists the bindings in the namingcontext. In this case, up to 1000 bindings from the initial namingcontext will be returned in the BindingListHolder; anyremaining bindings are returned in theBindingIteratorHolder.

  5. Get the array of bindings.

    This code gets the array of bindings out of the returnedBindingListHolder.

  6. This code loops through the bindings and prints the names out.
  7. Save NameClientList.java, and compile the file as follows:

    Correct any syntax errors before proceeding.

  8. Make sure the Object Request Broker Daemon is running, theclient application illustrated in SampleClient: Adding Objects to the Namespace has been run, andthe client application illustrated in Sample Client: Resolving Objects from theNamespace has been run.
  9. Run NameClientList, as follows:

The output in the terminal window looks like this:

Startingthe Naming Service

In all of the tutorials we use the Object Request Broker Daemon,orbd, which includes both a Persistent and a TransientNaming Service, and is available with every download of J2SE 1.4and higher.

For a caller (client, peer, or client application) to be able toinvoke a method on a remote object, that caller must first obtain areference to the remote object.

Once a remote object is registered on the server, callers canlook up the object by name, obtain a remote object reference, andthen remotely invoke methods on the object.

To learn how to start the Naming Service, see the orbd man page(Solaris, Linux, or Mac OS X or Windows).

Stoppingthe Naming Service

To stop the naming service, use the relevant operating systemcommand, such as kill on Solaris, or Ctrl+C inthe DOS window in which orbd is running. Note that namesregistered with the naming service may disappear when the serviceis terminated if the naming service is transient. The Java IDLnaming service will run until it is explicitly stopped.

Naming Service FAQ

How do I connect to a 3rd-party Naming Service from Sun'sORB?

The recommended way is to use the Inter-Operable Naming Service (INS), if thisoption is supported by the 3rd-party Naming Service.

To use the Sun ORB with another vendor's Naming Service,

Orbs (itch) (orbs) Mac Os Operating System

  1. Start the 3rd-party name server on Host <H> and Port.<P>
  2. Pass the following argument to ORB.init():

When you do orb.resolve_initial_references( 'NameService'), you should be able to connect to 3rd-party Name Service. Ifyou are still not able to connect, try these troubleshootinghints:

  • Verify that the 3rd-party Name Service supports INS.
  • Verify that the host and port information is accurate.
  • Verify that the 3rd-party Name Service has been startedsuccessfully.
  • Verify that the 3rd-party Name Service supports GIOP 1.2. Ifnot, refer to the Name Server's documentation for the correct theGIOP version, and modify the corbaloc: URLaccordingly.
  • Determine if the 3rd-party Name Service has a different objectkey it uses to contact NameService. If so, refer to theName Server's documentation.

Orbs (itch) (orbs) Mac Os Update

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