Slightly Rounded Square Mac OS

  1. Slightly Rounded Square Mac Os Catalina
  2. Slightly Rounded Square Mac Os Catalina
  3. Slightly Rounded Square Mac Os Download
  4. Slightly Rounded Square Mac Os 7

Bill Atkinson worked mostly at home, but whenever he made significant progress he rushed in to Apple to show it off to anyone who would appreciate it. This time, he visited the Macintosh offices at Texaco Towers to show off his brand new oval routines, which were implemented using a really clever algorithm.

Anyone else think that the sharp square corners in Windows 10 looks better than the rounded edges in Mac OS? Whenever I boot into Windows on my Mac, I can't help but feel like Mac OS would look nicer if it ditched all the rounded edges and went for a cleaner, sleeker look with sharp square corners on the edges of windows, like Win. If your Mac is using a firmware password, the lock icon appears when you try to start up from another disk or volume, such as an external drive or macOS Recovery.Enter the firmware password to continue.

Slightly rounded square mac os update Bill had added new code to QuickDraw (which was still called LisaGraf at this point) to draw circles and ovals very quickly. That was a bit hard to do on the Macintosh, since the math for circles usually involved taking square roots, and the 68000 processor in the Lisa and Macintosh didn't support floating point operations. But Bill had come up with a clever way to do the circle calculation that only used addition and subtraction, not even multiplication or division, which the 68000 could do, but was kind of slow at.

Context menus had slightly-rounded corners and numerous icons were redesigned, including folder icons and System Preferences icons. Mac OS X Snow Leopard made almost no changes to Aqua. Most notably, the context menu of Dock items changed from a solid white to a translucent black. Mac OS X Lion, OS X Mountain Lion and Mavericks. One change from CHRP for example was to boot classic Mac OS using a 4MB Mac OS ROM file stored on disk. The original iMac used a PowerPC G3 (PowerPC 750) processor, which also ran in Apple's high-end Power Macintosh line at the time, though at higher speeds. It sold for US$1,299, and shipped with Mac OS 8.1, which was soon upgraded to Mac OS 8.5. To restore the original rounded corners, simply use the same 2 Steps and replace the false found at the end of the command with true as shown in the following command. Defaults write -g AppleUseCoreUI -bool true Remember: It is very likely that as you update your OS the rounded corners will reappear.

Slightly Rounded Square Mac Os Catalina

Bill's technique used the fact the sum of a sequence of odd numbers is always the next perfect square (For example, 1 + 3 = 4, 1 + 3 + 5 = 9, 1 + 3 + 5 + 7 = 16, etc). So he could figure out when to bump the dependent coordinate value by iterating in a loop until a threshold was exceeded. This allowed QuickDraw to draw ovals very quickly.
Bill fired up his demo and it quickly filled the Lisa screen with randomly-sized ovals, faster than you thought was possible. But something was bothering Steve Jobs. 'Well, circles and ovals are good, but how about drawing rectangles with rounded corners? Can we do that now, too?'

Slightly Rounded Square Mac Os Catalina

'No, there's no way to do that. In fact it would be really hard to do, and I don't think we really need it'. I think Bill was a little miffed that Steve wasn't raving over the fast ovals and still wanted more.

Slightly Rounded Square Mac Os Download

Steve suddenly got more intense. 'Rectangles with rounded corners are everywhere! Just look around this room!'. And sure enough, there were lots of them, like the whiteboard and some of the desks and tables. Then he pointed out the window. 'And look outside, there's even more, practically everywhere you look!'. He even persuaded Bill to take a quick walk around the block with him, pointing out every rectangle with rounded corners that he could find.
When Steve and Bill passed a no-parking sign with rounded corners, it did the trick. 'OK, I give up', Bill pleaded. 'I'll see if it's as hard as I thought.' He went back home to work on it.

Slightly Rounded Square Mac Os 7

Bill returned to Texaco Towers the following afternoon, with a big smile on his face. His demo was now drawing rectangles with beautifully rounded corners blisteringly fast, almost at the speed of plain rectangles. When he added the code to LisaGraf, he named the new primitive 'RoundRects'. Over the next few months, roundrects worked their way into various parts of the user interface, and soon became indispensable.