Hell Invasion Mac OS

Beat back the forces of Hell and save humanity!When a mad scientist opens a portal to hell on Mars Base, it's up to a lowly security guard (you) to descend down into the shores of hell, close the portal, and save humanity! Simple enough, right?Hell and Back is a turn based role playing game developed in the roguelike genre. Available for Android, Windows, Mac OS, Linux. This is found under My Products EZDrummer RED Mac button. 3) Download the latest EZdrummer update (available from the Dashboard section in your MY ACCOUNT) and control click the ‘Installer’ file, choosing ‘Show Package Contents’ once again. The game was developed for Windows and ported to Linux in 2004; five months later, it was also released for Mac OS X (ported by Aspyr) and Xbox (co-developed by Vicarious Visions). The Xbox version is graphically similar to (although less detailed than) the original and features an additional two-player online co-operation mode.

Since Apple released Mac OS X, even the PC industry trade publications have raved about its quality, design, and features. PC Magazine even gave Mac OS X 'Panther' a 5-star rating in October 2003. Perhaps it was because Macs could now seamlessly fit into the Windows- dominated marketplace and satisfy Mac users refusing to relinquish their trusty systems and corporate IT staffs wanting to cut down on tech support calls. Whatever the reason, Mac OS X has proven itself as a worthy operating system for both consumers and business alike.

Of course, as with all operating systems, Mac OS X has had its share of technical problems and even a few major security vulnerabilities. Nearly all were quickly resolved by Apple via a downloaded patch or OS update. But in general, Mac OS X is solid, secure, and perhaps the most trustworthy mainstream computing environment available today. As a result, Mac users are generally immune to the incessant security problems plaguing their Windows counterparts, and that somehow bothers PC Magazine columnist Lance Ulanoff.

In a December 11 column [1] that epitomizes the concept of yellow journalism, he's 'happy' that Mac OS X is vulnerable to a new and quite significant security vulnerability. The article was based on a security advisory by researcher William Carrel regarding a DHCP vulnerability in Mac OS X. Carrel reported the vulnerability to Apple in mid-October and, through responsible disclosure practices, waited for a prolonged period before releasing the exploit information publicly since Apple was slow in responding to Carrel's report (a common problem with all big software vendors.) Accordingly, Lance took this as a green light to launch into a snide tirade about how 'Mac OS is just as vulnerable as Microsoft Windows' while penning paragraph after paragraph saying 'I told you so' and calling anyone who disagrees with him a 'Mac zealot.'

In other words, you're either with him or with the 'zealots.' Where have we seen this narrow-minded extremist view before?

More to the point, his article is replete with factual errors. Had he done his homework instead of rushing to smear the Mac security community and fuel his Windows-based envy, he'd have known that not only did Apple tell Carrel on November 19 that a technical fix for the problem would be released in its December Mac OS X update, but that Apple released easy-to-read guidance (complete with screenshots) for users to mitigate this problem on November 26. Somehow he missed that.

Since he's obviously neither a technologist (despite writing for a technology magazine) nor a security expert, let's examine a few differences between Mac and Windows to see why Macintosh systems are, despite his crowing, whining, and wishing, inherently more secure than Windows systems.

The real security wisdom of Mac OS lies in its internal architecture and how the operating system works and interacts with applications. It’s also something Microsoft unfortunately can’t accomplish without a complete re-write of the Windows software -- starting with ripping out the bug-riddled Internet Explorer that serves as the Windows version of 'Finder.' (That alone would seriously improve Windows security, methinks.)

At the very least, from the all-important network perspective, unlike Windows, Mac OS X ships with nearly all internet services turned off by default. Place an out-of-the-box Mac OS X installation on a network, and an attacker doesn’t have much to target in trying to compromise your system. A default installation of Windows, on the other hand, shows up like a big red bulls-eye on a network with numerous network services enabled and running.* And, unlike Windows, with Mac OS X, there’s no hard-to-disable (for average users afraid to tweak things unfamiliar to them, that is) 'Messaging Services' that results in spam-like advertisements coming into the system by way of Windows-based pop-up message boxes. And, the Unix-based Mac OS X system firewall – simple enough protection for most users -- is enabled by default (in Mac OSX Server) and easy to find and configure in Mac OS X Client software (not that there's much that users need to worry about out-of-the-box anyway) -- something that Microsoft only recently realized was a good idea and acknowledged should be done in Windows clients as well. I guess Lance didn't hear about that, either.

Then there's the stuff contributing to what I call 'truly trustworthy computing.'

When I install an application, such as a word processor, I want to know with certainty that it will not modify my system internals. Similarly, when I remove the application, I want to know that when I remove it (by either the uninstaller or manually) it’s gone, and nothing of it remains on or has modified my system. Applications installed on Mac OS X don’t modify the system internals – the Mac version of the Windows/System directory stays pretty intact. However, install nearly any program in Windows, and chances are it will (for example) place a different .DLL file in the Windows/System directory or even replace existing ones with its own version in what system administrators of earlier Windows versions grudgingly called 'DLL Hell.' Want to remove the application? You’ve got two choices: completely remove the application (going beyond the software uninstaller to manually remove things like a power user) and risk breaking Windows or remove the application (via the software uninstaller) and let whatever it added or modified in Windows/System to remain, thus presenting you a newly-but-unofficially patched version of your operating system that may cause problems down the road. To make matters worse, Windows patches or updates often re-enable something you’ve previously turned off or deleted (such as VBScript or Internet Explorer) or reconfigures parts of your system (such as network shares) without your knowledge and potentially places you at risk of other security problems or future downtime. Apparently, Lance doesn't see this as a major security concern.

Further, as seen in recent years, Microsoft used the guise of a critical security fix for its Media Player to forcibly inject controversial Digital Rights Management (DRM) into customer systems.[2] Users were free to not run the patch and avoid DRM on their systems, but if they wanted to be secure, they had to accept monopoly-enforcing DRM technologies and allow Microsoft to update such systems at any time in the future. How can we trust that our systems are secure and configured the way we expect them to be (enterprise change management comes to mind) with such subtle vendor trickery being forced upon us? Sounds like blackmail to me. (Incidentally, Lance believes the ability of a user to 'hack' their own system to circumvent the Apple iTunes DRM makes the Macintosh a bigger 'hack target' for the purposes of his article.... apparently, he's not familiar with the many nuances of the terms 'hack' and 'hackers' or knows that power-users often 'hack' their own systems for fun.) Were Apple to do such a thing, Mac users would likely revolt, and Apple's credibility would be seriously damaged.


What does that say about trusting an operating system's ability to perform in a stable and secure manner? Windows users should wonder who’s really in control of their systems these days. But Lance is oblivious to this, and happy to exist in such an untrustworthy computing environment.

On the matter of malicious code, Lance reports being 'driven crazy' when Mac users grin at not falling victim to another Windows virus or malicious code attack. He's free to rebuild his machine after each new attack if he wants, and needs to know that Mac users are grinning at not having to worry about such things getting in the way of being productive. You see, because of how Mac OS X was originally designed, the chance of a user suffering from a malicious code attack - such as those nasty e-mail worms - is extremely low. Granted, Mac users may transmit copies of a Word Macro Virus if they receive an infected file (and use Microsoft Word) but it’s not likely that – again, due to Mac OS X's internal design – a piece of malicious code could wreak the same kind of havoc that it does repeatedly on Windows. Applications and the operating system just don’t have the same level of trusted interdependencies in Mac OS X that they do on Windows, making it much more difficult for most forms of malicious code to work against a Macintosh.

Hell Invasion Mac OS

Unlike Windows, Mac OS X requires an administrator password to change certain configurations, run the system updater, and when installing new software. From a security perspective, this is another example of how Apple takes a proactive approach to system-level security. If a virus, remote hacker, or co-worker tries to install or reconfigure something on the system, they’re stymied without knowing the administrator’s password stored in the hardened System Keychain. (Incidentally, this password is not the same as the Unix 'root' account password of the system's FreeBSD foundation, something that further enhances security.) In some ways, this can be seen as Mac OS X protecting a careless user from themself as well as others.

Lance also fails to recognize that Windows and Mac OS are different not just by vendor and market share, but by the fundamental way that they're designed, developed, tested, and supported. By integrating Internet Explorer, Media Player, and any number of other 'extras' (such as VB Script and ActiveX) into the operating system to lock out competitors, Microsoft knowingly inflicts many of its security vulnerabilities onto itself. As a result, its desire to achieve marketplace dominance over all facets of a user's system has created a situation that's anything but trustworthy or conducive to stable, secure computing. Mac users are free to use whatever browser, e-mail client, or media player they want, and the system accepts (and more importantly, remembers!) their choice.

Contrary to his article, the small market segment held by Apple doesn't automatically make the Mac OS less vulnerable to attack or exploitation. Any competent security professional will tell you that 'security through obscurity' - what Lance is referring to toward the end of his article - doesn't work. In other words, if, as he suggests, Mac OS was the dominant operating system, its users would still enjoy an inherently more secure and trustworthy computing environment even if the number of attacks against it increased. That's because unlike Windows, Mac OS was designed from the ground up with security in mind. Is it totally secure? Nothing will ever be totally secure. But when compared to Windows, Mac OS is proving to be a significantly more reliable and (exponentially) more secure computing environment for today's users, including this security professional.

If Lance is sleeping well believing that he's on an equal level with the Mac regarding system security, he can crow about not being overly embarrassed while working on the only mainstream operating system that, among other high-profile incidents over the years, facilitated remote system exploitation through a word processor's clip art function! [3]

Trustworthy computing must be more than a catchy marketing phrase. Ironically, despite a few hiccups along the way, it's becoming clear that Mac OS, not Windows, epitomizes Microsoft's new mantra of 'secure by design, default, and deployment.'

Mac Os Mojave

Who's crowing now?

[1] Eureka! Macs Are Not Invulnerable
[2] Microsoft Makes An Offer You Can't Refuse
[3] Buffer Overflow in Clipart Gallery (MS00-015)

© 2003 by Author. All Rights Reserved. Permission granted to redistribute this article in its entirety with credit to author.

Richard Forno is a security technologist, author, and the former Chief Security Officer at Network Solutions (now owned by VeriSign.) His home in cyberspace is infowarrior.org.

* Shortly after Richard Forno wrote this piece, Microsoft issued a bulletin warning consumers what they should do before connecting their new PC to the Internet. So there - Reg editors

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Hell Invasion Mac Os X

  • Views72
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  • Base
    New levels from scratch
  • Build Time
  • Editors Used
    Hellmaker 1.2 b2
  • Bugs
  • Text File
    Title: Hell Drop:The Invasion of Hell
    Version: 1.2
    Filename: HELLDROP.WAD
    Author: piXel Rex
    Website: Cybrary of DOOM
    E-mail: pixelrex@yahoo.com
    You've have always been the one who got invaded, and the one who is trying to escape.
    Why not have you be the intruder for once? In this WAD, your mission is th invade Hell
    itself, your goal is not the exit(except for the last 3 levels), it is to KILL. Shoot for 100%.
    But you'll win if you get 90% or better.
    Play Information:
    Game: Doom2
    Level #: MAP 01-07
    Single Player: Yes
    Cooperative 2-4 Player: Yes, but not as fun
    Deathmatch 2-4 Player: Oh yes!
    Difficulty Settings: Of course
    New Sounds: No
    New Graphics: No
    New Music: Optional
    Demos Replaced: None
    Base: New levels from scratch
    Editor Used: Hellmaker 1.2 b2
    Known Bugs: none
    Authors MAY use this level as a base to build additional levels, but must
    first ask for permission, using the e-mail address above.
    You MAY distribute this WAD in any format, as long as you include this
    text file.(Warning: These levels are as tough as Thy Flesh Consumed or the later levels in
    DOOM ][. Drop by one difficulty level from
    the one you normaly play in. If you normaly play in I'm too young to die, you have an
    excuse for cheat'n on Ultra-Violence.)
    PC add-ons
    This WAD does use patching, therefor, you will need DeHackEd. Go to Cybrary of
    DOOM at http://www.goecities.com/TimesSquare/Lair/8801/ and click on the link to Hell
    Drop homepage. Go the the download link and you should find a .zip file of DeHackEd.
    Since Hell Drop is Mac-made, PC music is not availible(I don't know how to port Mac
    .MID! to .LMP files in the WAD, if you think you can do that, please email me). I
    suggest you to turn music off completely because DOOM ][ 's music does not match.
    Mac add-ons
    Download DOOMinator at Cybrary of
    Remove the old DOOM ][ music folder(don't delete it) and replace with the music folder in
    Hell Drop's folder.
    1: Top of Hell
    Par Time:30:00
    Build Time:60 hours
    You are dropped off at Hell, the outer layer of defense is fairly strong, expect heavy battle.
    2: Free Kill
    Par Time:23:00
    Build Time:55 hours
    You are now in the tech section of Hell, this shouldn't be as bad as the Top of Hell.
    In most DOOM levels, you try to get to the exit, if you can do that, you win. That sort'a
    the idea of DOOM, it seems like escaping comes before killing. That's why I made this
    Go ahead and run straight to the exit if you're chicken. But you're suppose to ignore the
    'til you're in bad shape, or your sure that you've killed 100% of the monsters. Count
    yourself as a winner with 90% o' more.
    3: Keen Hunt
    Difficulty:Very Hard
    Par Time:25:00
    Build Time:65 hours
    The entrance to the center of Hell is blocked by a heavy defense system, it so strong, it's
    impossible you are going to have to use the longer way, too bad the entrance is also
    blocked here.
    Your goal here is to find and kill every Commander Keen on the level, Commander Keens
    them little hang'n carton guys with a yellowish helmet.
    4.Icon of Sin
    Difficulty:Depends on how fast you are
    Par Time:???
    Build Time:60 hours
    Finally, you're in the center of Hell, killing him is similar to DOOM ][, but you have to
    find all 22 eye switches to rise the lift in front of the face yourself.(Don't believe what he's
    saying, he's trying to throw you off!)
    5.Tox'n Death
    Par Time:10:00
    Build Time:30 hours
    When the big Demon exploded, the ceiling of the path back fell. Now you must take
    another route back(if there is one), another route that has not been cleared of monsters.
    Luckyly, you found one, and it is a direct path from hell, to earth.
    6.Punch Frag
    Par Time:10:00
    Build Time:40 hours
    Your back on earth again, you begin to contact UAC, as you were setting up the
    connection, you found a berserk box.
    'What's this doing here?' You ask yourself.
    You looked around and realized that the buildings looked strange too, like one of the
    demon's buildings.
    'This must be the place of the demon refugees! I think I'll clear them off too, this shouldn't
    be too hard'
    You were wrong, as you were searching around the area, you found no guns or ammo!
    How the heck are you going to fight without a shotgun?
    Difficulty:Very Hard
    Par Time:16:00
    Build Time:80 hours
    The demon refugees have escaped to an abandoned industrial zone. Reconstruction of the
    Icon of Sin will take place in that area. Since only the mancubuses has the skills for
    construction, you must enter this construction site, and kill every mancubus found. And by
    the way, don't underestimate the defense there.When you destroyed the unfinished Icon of
    Sin. The entire base bursted into bloody flames. Brining justice to the demons for the
    betrayal they had done. 'Now wait 'a minute' you said to yourself as you slowly float up
    to heven. 'I'm not a demon and I didn't betray anyone or anything(other than the demons),
    why do I have to join the bloody mess too? How come I can't go back home and enjoy
    having the girls chasing after me for the rest of my life?
    Then, the light bulb went on, YOU were the one who were betrayed by the demons.
    When the demons rise to bring genocide to the humans, you too, rise, to take them down.
    But it isn't true that when the demons go extinct, you have to die too, right? To your
    dissapointment, your immediate response was 'Maybe, maybe not'.
    It took an average of 50 hours to make each level, and the levels are BIG. I can't garantee
    that there are no bugs on this entire WAD. Some bugs that already found are listed below,
    if you happen to come across one, email me immediately!
    Level 1
    (This level may run very slow)
    When looking through the boundary of high(invisible) ceilings and low(invisible) ceilings,
    there may be a block of sky texturethat overlaps the objects behind(usually tall objects).
    Level 3
    Make sure you kill EVERY Commander Keen you see. If you missed some at the very
    beginning of the level, it is immpossible to go back. And therefor, you're stuck. Load a
    saved game and try again.
    How to know if you're stuck:
    A huge edge of the biggest battle ground should open when you are finished with the
    Keens, you will engage a Cyber Demon, a Spider Mastermind, one or two Arch-Viles, and
    a few barons.
    If they don't open and you believe you've killed every Keen, then start over.
    Level 6
    HOM(hall of mirrors) may occur when you try to look upon the entire main field.
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